Membership Empowers You

As a member, you will belong to Zonta International, a 102-year-old organization, and the Zonta Club of Woodstock,  a historic 61-year-old club. Membership empowers you to improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health and professional status of women locally and globally.  

We are a group of 19 women who are passionate about improving the lives of women in Oxford County and have the privilege to help women and girls at a global level.  As a Zonta member, you can engage with women in our club, area, district, or even globally.

Woodstock Zontians at Guelph 40th Anniversary Dinner
Woodstock Zonta Members at June Social

Membership Empowers You To Help Others

By Giving Back

As a part of a collective, you can participate with fellow club members to help raise funds for local and global initiatives or participate in local hands-on service projects.

Zonta Woodstock Crockpot donation to Ingamo Homes
Allocation of funds from 2018 Zonta Golf Classic
100 for 100 Years, Snack Bars Donated to DASO
Woodstock Zontians Donation to Woodstock Hospital
Zonta Birthing Kit Items for Assembly
100 for 100 Years Donation of Pillows to DASO

Membership Empowers You to Make Change Happen

You can work with local organizations and community partners to improve the lives of women and children during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence and our Zonta Says NO campaign from November 25th to December 10th.

Zonta Orange Campaign Poster
Woodstock Zonta Says NO Campaign Partner Ingamo Homes Staff
Woodstock Zonta Says NO Campaign Community Partner CIBC
Woodstock Zonta Says NO Campaign Community Partner Scotiabank Dundas Branch
Woodstock Zonta Says NO Campaign Outreach
Woodstock Zonta Says NO Campaign Cookies & Ribbons
Zonta Says NO Campaign Poster
Zonta Says NO End Child Marriage Poster

Membership Empowers You to

Build Relationships

Engage with like-minded women and organizations within the community, at a local, district or international event.

Zonta Golf Classic Scotiabank Volunteers
Zonta Says NO Community Partner Scotiabank Dundas Branch
ZC of Woodstock Member (R) with 3 Members of ZC of Kathmandu in 2018
Woodstock Zonta 2019 Golf Committee
Zonta District 4 Area Director (L) & Lt. Governor (R) at 2019 Workshop

Leverage Opportunities

As a Zonta member, you have the ability to engage in learning opportunities and leadership development while serving and advocating for others. Life-long learning through club experiences and Zonta International Leadership Development can keep us mentally healthy.

Robert’s Rules Books Always at Hand
Zonta Online Anti-violence Campaign Poster
Learning Ontario Femicide Statistics
Zonta Members Learn Public Speaking & Board Protocol
Building Experence on Woodstock Zonta Board

Connect with Youth

Participate in GROWgirls Oxford and start something new. New members are needed to initiate dialogue with local high schools and our college to develop Z Clubs in county high schools and Golden Z Clubs in our college.

Zonta International Z Club Logo
2019 GROWgirls Oxford Attendees
Zonta is a GROWgirl Community Partner
2019 GROWgirls Oxford Opening Ceremony
Zonta District 4 New Charter of Z Club of Niagara Falls, NY

Be Part of Something Big

A voice within an international organization.

Zonta International Organizational Chart

Contact the Zonta Club of Woodstock to learn more about membership

Empowering Women