Zonta Woodstock’s Committees Duties

Zonta Woodstock’s committees duties are to observe our mission and build a healthy organization so we may serve and advocate for women and girls.

Zonta Woodstock’s Committees Duties

New Pillows Collected by Woodstock Zontians

Giving Back

Our directive and key focus of our Service Committee is to help women and girls locally and globally.

This committee’s duty is to identify participatory club projects and assessing requests by organizations in Oxford County.

Currently, our club focuses on the following initiatives:

International Programs

Assembly of International Birthing Kits

Local Projects

Zonta Golf $1000 Bursaries (3)

Identifying & Selecting Funding Projects Meeting the Zonta Club of Woodstock’s Mission

Woodstock Hospital Chemo Kits

Zonta Says NO Campaign

Meals On Wheels – Delivery

Zonta Says NO Display at Woodstock Southwood Arean

Making Change

The Advocacy Committee’s current focus is our club’s Zonta Says NO campaign operated from November 25th to December 10th. Our club partners with the Domestic Assault Review Team Oxford, our County’s first responders to violence. In this campaign, we engage community organizations, high schools – grab bags, hospital staff & visitors, and business in distributing orange ribbons and our signature cookies.  

New this year, is asking local businesses to display a tree with orange ribbons in a prominent location during the campaign.  

Club Advocacy

16 Days of Activism

High School Healthy Relationship Grab Bags

Trees Decorated with Oranges Ribbons

Three Zonta Members

Connecting with Like-Minded Women

We are currently a small group of 16 women who are very passionate about improving the lives of women in Oxford County and the privilege to help women and girls at a global level.  As a Zonta member, you can engage with women in our club, area, district, or even globally.  The Membership Committee is looking for innovative ways to engage our current and future members.

Club Activities

Meet on 4th Tuesday, Sept - June

Two Club Social Events

Interact at Events, Workshops, Conference & Convention

District 4 Flag Held by D4 Area Director & Zonta Woodstock President

Celebrating & Building Awareness 

Historically our club celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD) with an event or participates with another organization such as Oxford Women in Networking (OWIN) to celebrate achievements and build awareness of issues affecting women.

We financially support Zonta International Programs through event proceeds and the selling and delivery of our signature yellow roses.

Club Activities

IWD Events

Rose Day Sales

Golfers Tossing Golf Balls at Zonta Golf Classic

Local & Global Support

Our various Fundraising Committees are responsible for identifying, developing, and initiating fundraising projects to meet financial club responsibilities.

Raising $

Rheo Thompson Mint Smoothie Chocolate Sales

  • Sold by members and at the Woodstock Market at Christmas time.  At the several Pharmasave locations in Woodstock & Ingersoll and at Mostly Roses. 

Yellow Rose Sale

  • Rose sales support Zonta International Projects.

Woodstock Zonta Golf Classic

  • Funds raised support local initiatives to improve the health and status of women in Oxford County.

Fiscally Responsible

This committee prepares and submits a yearly budget to the club’s Executive Board.  Further responsibilities include monitoring the budget, reporting current financial status at the executive and general meetings.  Financial records are examined yearly by an independent qualified person.

Club Money

Meet on 2nd & 4th Tuesday, Sept - June

Who & What’s Zonta?

This committee communicates internal and external information, and responsible for media relations, website management, and social media.

Spreading the Word


Social Media

Students Assembled at 2019 GROWgirls Oxford

Engaging Youth

Our Bursary Committee works with high schools to encourage students to submit applications for our bursary and awards.  In addition, student projects are being investigated to engage both members and youth. We support GROWgirls Oxford. Z Clubs are an establish Zonta International service program and developing a healthy relationship video with high school students are two projects our club is considering due to our growing relationship with Oxford County high schools.

Connecting with Youth

GROWgirls Oxford

Healthy Relationship Video

Golf Classic Bursary (3)

District 4 Z & Golden Z Club

Contact a committee for more details.

Empowering Women